Friday, February 19, 2010


So we are celebrating what pretty much makes up 1 year of the Tennessee Who Authority this weekend at Connooga. The group formed after a panel last year at that con, so we are happy to make our first "public appearance" at Connooga this year. We hope a lot of you can come out and see us at the con both at our panels as well as at our fan table. That's right, we have a fan table this year. We had not planned to, but it looks as though we had some members strategically positioned and one think lead to another which led to a fan table.

Here is out Panel schedule for this weekend!
1:00 PM Saturday - 2:00 PM Saturday : Doctor Who: The RTD Years
-> Gallery B (Gallery B)
8:00 PM Saturday - 9:00 PM Saturday : Torchwood
-> Gallery B (Gallery B)
Noon Sunday - 1:00 PM Sunday : Doctor Who: Love And Monsters
-> Gallery B (Gallery B)

We hope many of you guys can come out and participate in the discussions that will be had.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    My name is Christine. I met a few of you last weekend at Connooga 2010. I wanted to share with you the photos I'd taken over the weekend.

    Brittrack Staff Member
