Sunday, February 20, 2011

Connooga 2011 thoughts

First I would like to thank every one who came out to our panels and came by our booth. We had a blast meeting all of you. We are always looking for new things to do. We encourage you all to meet up and use our group to help you find new fans in your area.

I have found that fans of this show of ours are all very passionate about what they love and it is great to be able to speak with so many of you. We are always looking for new ways to get together either virtually or in person for meetings or viewings, unfortunately our local group is growing and we are beginning to outgrow the facilities we have used in the past. If any one has any ideas for meeting at a free or extremely inexpensive price we would love to hear your ideas. We have met in libraries and even restauraunts before just to get our conversation with each other going, we are always open to ideas.

Connooga this year has been great. We are so excited that so many of you got to come by our booth and panels, and we look forward to seeing you in the future, as well.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

ConNooga 2011

It seems as though we have abandoned this page for the more favored facebook page. Still for the few that might catch this I want to say that I am looking forward to meeting many of you in person at ConNooga. We're coming upon the 2 year anniversary of our little group getting started & I have loved every moment of it. This year it looks like we're going to have a TARDIS near our group's fan table. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's costumes & interested in what our discussions will bring forth. Every year it gets better so I know that this year will be the best ConNooga yet!

Friday, March 19, 2010


It has been a while since our last post, but we would like to thank every one who came out and supported us at connooga. Wea re still trying to get things in order to include the new members into our meetings, We are planning larger meetings for april and may to be held at the Cleveland public library. As we get closer we will be posting new information about the events. In april we plan on screening the first three stories of season 5. It should be an exciting month for all Doctor Who fans!

We will be getting an e-mail out to all of you who signed up to our mailing list soon with more details for you.

Friday, February 19, 2010


So we are celebrating what pretty much makes up 1 year of the Tennessee Who Authority this weekend at Connooga. The group formed after a panel last year at that con, so we are happy to make our first "public appearance" at Connooga this year. We hope a lot of you can come out and see us at the con both at our panels as well as at our fan table. That's right, we have a fan table this year. We had not planned to, but it looks as though we had some members strategically positioned and one think lead to another which led to a fan table.

Here is out Panel schedule for this weekend!
1:00 PM Saturday - 2:00 PM Saturday : Doctor Who: The RTD Years
-> Gallery B (Gallery B)
8:00 PM Saturday - 9:00 PM Saturday : Torchwood
-> Gallery B (Gallery B)
Noon Sunday - 1:00 PM Sunday : Doctor Who: Love And Monsters
-> Gallery B (Gallery B)

We hope many of you guys can come out and participate in the discussions that will be had.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Another meeting of the TWA

We're coming upon that wonderful day again! I look forward to the 3rd Sunday of every month so I can be physically surrounded by other people that love everything Doctor Who. I believe that starting earlier works out for most of us. I think possibly starting at 1pm would help everyone in the group be here around the same time. I know we have at least one person who attends church & I want to have everyone here this week, if we can. It seems in the past that there is always at least one person who is unable to attend so we have never had everyone here at the same time.

As always I encourage everyone to bring their favorite episodes or books to share. Last month we got to watch some of Ashley's favorite creatures/villains The Ice Warriors & I love them. Mind you not as much as Ashley does (I don't think anyone loves them as much as he does *giggle*), but a big part of what I have loved about Doctor Who is the monsters & creatures that have been created. Some cheaply done & seem a bit cheesy (look at the budget they had to work with), some excellently done with great skill & talent, but all of them are brilliant!

I wish BBCA would play episodes at the same time as they're being aired on BBC1. Waters of Mars will be playing on Sunday in Britain. If all goes well, the little fairy that helps us get episodes before they're released in the U.S. will be recording it for us during our meeting. Also we should have a copy of The Sarah Jane Adventures with the guest star of The Doctor David Tennant: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith. We can watch it if everyone wants or we can just make sure everyone that wants, has a copy.

If there is anything else anyone wants to add, feel free or just let me know & I'll have it done.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Reviews and product thoughts

I have posted a couple of Audio reviews and thoughts on the Big Finish Audio line over on My Life With Fandom. So if your interested go over and check it out. If you have an opinion, feel free to leave a comment!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

TWA Panels at Connooga

Well it looks like we are set up for the three panels we requested for connooga. We are set for:

Saturday: Doctor Who: The RTD Years
This is a look back at the past 5 years of doctor who, just as it is changing.
A panel that discusses Torchwood past, present, and future.
Sunday: Doctor Who: Love And Monsters
A Celebration of two things that has made Doctor Who Doctor Who for over 45 years. . . Companions and Monsters.

The people at the con seem to be excited and I am excited about being a part of these panels.

If anyone is interested in getting a table (and working it) for our group, let us know as I can contact the con about that too.